a Pi performance with BCP and SHAWH
Tripti Mitra ShabhaGhar ,Pashchimb anga Natya Akademi. 1/1 AJC Bose Rd. Kolkata - 16
Tripti Mitra ShabhaGhar
Abol Tabol
The performance was based on Sukumar Ray's nonsense poetry collection Abol Tabol. Dressed explicitly, made up minimally to enhance the folkish grotesque, where the materials of makeup stand on their own, revealing an intended awkwardness of the representation that is symbolic to the ideologies that mask the gap between being and appearance. With minimal humorist performative movements, accompanied by the reading of verses from the text Abol Tabol in serious manner subverting the intended logic of the text, the performance moved between the exterior and the interior space of the place Tripti Mitra Shabha Ghar.