a performance triptych by Pi.
14feb'2014.3,5,7PM.NANDAN COMPLEX,kolkata.
The performance took place in three segments image-narrative. In the first segment Amitava, Rituparna, and Uma entered the space of performance and started engaging in the mundane activities of domestic personal space – Amitava grinds black cumin, Uma washes her arms, face and neck, Rituparna applies kajal to her eyes and tries to make her hair. Chirantan sits on his knees and makes a floor design with chalk pieces, moving and stretching his body. Rupan sings “naa go eije dhula amar naa ae..” by Rabindranath Tagore that Rituparna tries to resonate. Taufik reads out a fragment of the novel ‘Prothom Protisruti’ by Ashapurna Devi.
‘Prothom Protisruti’ is the first part of a Realist trilogy about three generations of women at various stages of liberty of personhood, written in the early 1960s, situated in late nineteenth and early twentieth century.
The performance is done in three segments for around 15min each with a gap of one hour, enacting different domestic activities involving body. In the Nandan campus, ‘Charukala’ an annual exhibition of Fine Arts was going on, which is sponsored by West Bengal State. When the second segment was being performed, a police man interrupts saying this cannot be done here as a State sponsored event is going on. Otherwise it requires permission. An argument broke between Taufik and the policeman which Taufik had stretched by eventually making time for the activities to be completed by accompanying performers. The interesting thing about it is the policeman, representing the State, got implicated in the performance. For a few minutes it was the presence and display of power of the policeman contrasted with the intimacy of the space that the performative activities have created. In the technically ‘cultural space’ of the State – Nandan – this performance is not “cultural”. Then what is it? Where can we make space for such voice that is expelled by the definitions of dominant ideology of culture? By the very effort to expel (and it was literally in this context) from the space of dominant culture they make such performative engagements “extra-cultural”. And it is this position of “extra-cultural” that provides the political disagreement and dissent to logically contest the State and dominant culture.
So, the plan for the third segment was more challenging and filled with potential for fun!! We returned to the space and started the activities in an invisible manner. Uma, Babun and Rituparna sat under a tree and started braiding each other’s hair into one, connecting the three heads which, produced curiosity and laughter in the minds of the spectators. Chirantan started lighting incense sticks with the help of one burning incense stick. Taufik walked around the space and later started reading the text accompanied by Rupan’s singing. Amitava started sketching the activities. All the activities are mundane in their general form. But these mundane activities were transformed through the performative enactment of them in the space by subverting the normal behaviour. The performative acquired absurdity. And this is a response to the efforts to expel a voice that was speaking of something in a comprehensible language. Thus the situation provoked the language of nonsensical and the absurd that involves the disturbance created by the dominant discourse in the name of “good culture” which is structurally exclusive and emotionally oppressive. The “extra-cultural” seems to be a promising radical position to encounter the bastion of dominant culture that needs to be adequately theorised. Lets make it happen.
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